Boso Delay Spray Price in Pakistan


Boso Delay Spray Price in Pakistan


Price : Rs. 1,800/-

Boso Delay Spray Price in Pakistan - Does Boso Delay Spray Really Works? - What to Know about Boso Delay Spray?

Boso Delay Spray Price in Pakistan is a desensitizing product that aims to help with premature ejaculation. We describe Boso Delay Spray Price in Pakistan, including how people use it and how effective it is. A person using this type of Boso Delay Spray Price in Pakistan on their penis to desensitize it and delay ejaculation. The spray aims to extend the time before orgasm by reducing the intensity of sensation in the penis.

Why might someone use Boso Delay Spray Price in Pakistan?

The main reason is to prolong the time before orgasm. This product may suit anyone with a penis who wants to delay their orgasm or experiences premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

How does Boso Delay Spray Price in Pakistan works?

The active ingredient in Boso Delay Spray Price in Pakistan is lidocaine Trusted Source, an anesthetic. 

How to use Boso Delay Spray Price in Pakistan?

People can use the spray before they have an erection or once they are aroused. The manufacturer recommends holding the bottle around 10 centimetres (cm) away from the penis and applying 3–10 sprays to the head and shaft about 5–15 minutes before intercourse.

The company advises against using Boso Delay Spray Price in Pakistan.It also warns against using more than 20 pumps in a 24-hour period.

When to use Boso Delay Spray Price in Pakistan?

An expert panel notes that most people with premature ejaculation prefer an on-demand treatment that allows for spontaneity.

The maker of this product recommends holding the bottle about 10 cm away from the penis and spraying the head and shaft with 3–10 sprays around 5–15 minutes before ****** begins.

How long does Boso Delay Spray Price in Pakistan last?

This depends on the person and how much spray they use.

With typical use, a person can expect the spray to last around 30–45 minutes. 

Will Boso Delay Spray Price in Pakistan numb a ******ual partner?

When a person uses the product according to instructions, there is minimal, if any, transfer of the spray to a partner. In this case, a partner will not feel numb, the makers of the spray say.

How do you apply Boso Delay Spray Price in Pakistan?

When a person uses the spray, it does not matter whether their penis is erect or flaccid.

Holding the bottle upright and around 10 cm away from the penis, apply 3–10 sprays to the head and shaft about 5–15 minutes before ******.

If necessary, massage the spray into the skin, and wipe away any extra before having ******

Boso Delay Spray Price in Pakistan is : Rs. 1800/Only


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